Inspect What you Expect

Apr 02, 2024

Maximizing Profits: A Contractor’s Guide to Job Success!

The roofing industry and contractors, often get sidetracked with the many ways to estimate and quote a job. What numbers are direct job cost and the actual profit of a job? It is imperative and required to know your own roofing company's overhead. This will give you an edge over your competitors. 

This blog article explores the skills and opportunities in the roofing industry. Being a new roofing company or a company that has been around for a long time. We will be covering the numbers and reports you should be reviewing weekly to have a successful roofing business. 

Introduction to Roofing

As a roofing contractor, your primary goal is to complete projects efficiently and maximize profits. This requires a strategic approach that encompasses various aspects of your business, from bidding on projects to managing resources and controlling costs. This guide aims to provide you with actionable tips and strategies to enhance your profitability as a contractor.


Let’s start with #1: Job Costing 


Accurate Cost Estimation:

  • Thoroughly assess project requirements and scope before providing a bid.
  • Consider all expenses, including materials, labor, equipment rental, permits, and overhead costs. Don’t forget to include your overhead cost. This can cause no profit or a lower profit than you were expecting. Inspect and Expect. 
  • Factor in potential risks and contingencies to avoid underestimating expenses.
  • Review and update your costing methods based on past project performance and market trends. With Quickbooks Online you can quickly review your past job performances giving you an edge on new jobs. I recommend the Plus version that includes “Projects” for contractors. 

Strategic Bidding:

  • Target projects that align with your expertise and resources to increase your chances of success. It takes time to learn new skills for yourself and your team.
  • Conduct market research to understand competitive pricing and adjust your bids accordingly.
  • Consider offering value-added services or unique selling propositions to differentiate your bids. We return calls (within 24 hours) and show up on time. 
  • Avoid underbidding to win contracts, as it can lead to unsustainable profit margins. A job you bid low that has zero profit is a waste of time. There are some occasions you might do this when business is slow and you want to retain your employees or crews. 





Efficient Resource Management:

  • Optimize the utilization of labor and equipment to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.
  • Implement project scheduling and tracking systems to monitor progress and identify potential delays. Such as Quickbooks Online, Jobnimbus, Acculynx, and Roofr to name a few are great systems. 
  • Invest in training and development programs to enhance the skills of your employees and crew and improve efficiency.
  • Negotiate favorable terms with suppliers to secure competitive pricing on materials costs. Keep your suppliers paid and have great relationships with them for the best deliveries and costs. 


Effective Project Management:

  • Establish clear project objectives, timelines, and milestones to keep projects on track.
  • Communicate regularly with customers to address any concerns or changes in project requirements. Put change orders in place and have customers sign the document. 
  • Utilize project management software to streamline communication, document sharing, and task tracking.
  • Proactively identify and mitigate risks to avoid costly delays, disputes, and past-due invoices. Have a system to inspect each job when completed and have your punch list ready. Resolve complaints the customer may have. 

Quality Assurance:

  • Prioritize quality workmanship and attention to detail to build a reputation for excellence.
  • Implement quality control processes to ensure consistency and adherence to project specifications.
  • Regularly assess and improve your work processes based on feedback and lessons learned from previous projects.
  • Address any issues or defects promptly to maintain client satisfaction and avoid rework costs.








Financial Management:

  • Maintain accurate financial records and track project expenses against budgeted costs. Make sure you have an accounting system that works for your company such as Quickbooks Online Plus. 
  • Monitor cash flow closely and ensure timely invoicing and collections to maintain liquidity. Review your bank account balance, accounts payable, and accounts receivable in the last couple of days of your week. Giving you time to collect funds for payroll, contractors, and material costs. 
  • Set aside reserves for unexpected expenses or downturns in the market. Having an operating bank account and a savings account will make this very easy. Transferring funds as needed between the two accounts and borrowing from yourself at zero cost. 
  • Periodically review your pricing strategy to ensure profitability in the changing of the seasons. Balancing your sales revenue throughout the year. 

Customer Satisfaction and Referrals:

  • Prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering projects on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.
  • Solicit feedback from clients upon project completion and address any concerns promptly. Be sure and take photos to post on social media as being a credible business. 
  • Build strong relationships with clients to encourage repeat business and referrals.
  • Leverage satisfied clients as references and testimonials to attract new business.


Challenges and Solutions

Roofing is challenging, including high and low seasons and competition. However, these can be resolved by knowing your numbers, strategic planning, and maintaining excellent customer service and staff standards.


By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, contractors can enhance their profitability and long-term success in a competitive market. By focusing on accurate cost estimation, strategic bidding, efficient resource management, effective project management, quality assurance, financial management, and customer satisfaction, contractors can maximize profits while delivering exceptional value to their customers.

Warm Regards,

Roof For Profits Team

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